Outline of the Tokyo Toy Show 2006
‡T Exhibition fee (one exhibition stand)    260,000yen (9m2, 4 days, not including tax)
Application fee                        @@@@ @@@30,000yen /company

Dates of the exhibition  July 13th-16th  2006

13th, 14th Trade only 10:00am `6:00pm

15th    Open to the public 9:00am`5:00pm

16th  @@@@V 9:00am` 4:00pm



The application fee is the same amount even if an exhibitor will not participate in those days (15th and 16th) open to the public.

‚Q 15th and 16th open to the public event.
   (1)Admission fee : free
  (2)Sale of merchandise :@@@@@@@ Exhibitors may sell their merchandise, however, the JTA is not responsible for any claims concerning the sales.
Selling prices shall be the expected retail prices (except for displayed goods).
Exhibitors are requested to register the merchandise they intend to sell, their quantities and prices with the JTA secretariat.
@(3)For your reference,the Guide of the Tokyo Toy Show 2005 is available on the JTA website

@@@@Intention to participate in Tokyo Toy Show2006

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